Contract facilities

Attention all clients of MAXIMA insurance company! In addition to urgent and necessary care, the marked medical facilities also provide premium medical services including individual health programmes. These premium services are NOT COVERED by MAXIMA’s health insurance for foreigners! We recommend to our clients to always contact the medical facility in advance to learn more about the scope and conditions of required healthcare.

In the list below you will find an overview of medical facilities that cooperate with our insurance company.

Contracted medical facilities accept new clients only until their capacity is exhausted. In case you cannot find a suitable contractual facility with sufficient capacity in your area, you can also use a non-contractual medical facility with direct payment of the client.
In cases of direct client payment for medical care, please send a completed Notice of Claim, medical report and proof of payment for medical care to
On the basis of these documents, the client will be reimbursed for the cost of treatment according to the variant of insurance agreed, the insurance conditions in the scope and amount corresponding to the cost of public health insurance in the Czech Republic.

Thank you for your understanding.

Enter an address to filter results.
Šrobárova 1150/50, 100 34 Praha 10
Universal health care
+420 267 162 212
Zdravotníků 248/7, Olomouc 9, 779 00
Universal health care
+420 585 851 111
Alej Svobody 80, Plzeň - Lochotín, 323 03
Universal health care
+420 377 103 111
Dr. E. Beneše 13, 305 99 Plzeň
Universal health care
+420 377 401 111
Pekařská 53, 656 91 Brno
Universal health care
+420 543 181 111
V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5
General practitioner, universal health care
+420 224 431 111
Vídeňská 800, Praha 4 - Krč, 140 59
Universal health care
+420 261 081 111
Archeologická 2636/3, 150 00 Praha 5
+420 257 218 108
Zenklova 22/340, Praha 8, 180 00
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Peckova 280/9, Praha 8 - Karlín, 186 00
+420 607 029 829
Hloubětínská 3/13, 198 00 Praha 9
+420 225 000 888
Adresa Masarykova 1019, 664 42 Modřice
+420 530 508 635
Makovského nám.3147/2, 616 00 Brno
+420 739 063 132
Vítězné náměstí 817/9, Praha 6 - Bubeneč, 160 00
+420 776 303 046
Sokolovská 979/209, 190 00, Praha 9
+420 778 046 108
Krakovska 9, 110 00, Praha 1
775 456 969
Tovární 19, Jirny, 252 01
Univerzální zdravotní péče
228 805 800
Českomoravská 2510/19, Praha 9 - Libeň, 190 00
+420 800 203 233
Evropská 423/178, 160 00 Praha 6
gynaecology - assisted reproduction only
+420 220 303 870
Prof.Veselého 493, 266 01 Beroun
Universal health care
+420 311 623 926
Spořická 300/58, Praha 8 - Dolní Chabry, 184 00
General practitioner
233 544 523
Pavilon č. 11 v areálu Nemocnice Bulovka, Budínova 67/2, Praha 8 - Libeň, 180 00
+420 266 083 011
Bezručova 19, 360 66 Karlovy Vary
Universal health care
+420 354 225 111
Zakladatelská 975/22, 735 06 Karviná
Universal health care
+420 596 380 111
Plzeňská 929, Klatovy II, 339 01
Universal health care
376 335 111
Sociální péče 3316/12A, 401 13 Ústí nad Labem
Universal health care
+420 477 111 111
U Nemocnice 1, 405 02 Děčín
Universal health care
+420 412 705 111
Kochova 1185, 430 01 Chomutov
Universal health care
+420 474 447 111
J. E. Purkyně 270/5, 434 01 Most
Universal health care
+420 478 031 111
Žitenická 2084, Litoměřice, 412 01
Universal health care
416 723 111
Duchcovská 53, 415 01 Teplice
Universal health care
+420 417 519 111
Doudova 652/10, 147 00, Praha 4
 721 318 828
Budečská 33, Praha 2, 120 00
General Practical Medicine
244 400 000
Kuttelwascherova 921/1, Praha 9, 190 00
737 260 370, 222 266 200
Karlovo nám 292/15, 120 00 Praha 2
+420 222 356 278
Thunovská 18, Praha 1,110 00
psychiatric outpatient clinic
Masarykovo nám. 37/20, 702 00 Ostrava
+420 773 602 371
Dukelských hrdinů 200, 269 29 Rakovník
Universal health care
+420 313 525 111
Bolzanova 1679/3, Prah 1, 110 00
General practitioner
253 253 252
Národní 9, Praha 1, 110 00
Voice Centre
Španělská 759/4, 120 00 Praha 2
Voice centre
+420 222 519 016
Děčínská 3228, Kladno, 272 01
Occupational health service
224 946 219, 222 512 990
Koněvova 22, Praha 3, 130 00
Occupational health service
222 512 990, 739111185
Verdunská 1870/11, Ostrava, 702 00
General practitioner
739 007 111
Kosmákova 1067/19, Jihlava, 586 01
Occupational health service
777 069 677
Čelakovského 854/12, Chomutov, 430 01
Occupational health service
224 946 219, 222 512 990
Tovární 119, Český Krumlov, 381 01
Occupational health service
Jaroslava Ježka 384/65, České Budějovice, 370 06
Occupational health service
739009222, 736456415
Malá Štěpánská 10, 120 00 Praha 2
General practitioner
+420 224 918 532
Na Veselí 928/15, Praha 4
General practitioner